Eastern Athabasca Regional Monitoring Program launches EARMP website!
The Eastern Athabasca Regional Monitoring Program (EARMP) is pleased to welcome you to their website!
The Eastern Athabasca Regional Monitoring Program (EARMP) was established in 2011 under the Province of Saskatchewan’s Boreal Watershed Initiative. One of the primary goals of the Boreal Watershed Initiative is to assess the ecological integrity of Saskatchewan’s northern watersheds in order to address potential environmental concerns and to identify sustainable management practices in the region.
EARMP is joint environmental monitoring program designed to address a foreseen gap in available environmental information downstream of uranium mining and milling operations in Eastern Athabasca region of northern Saskatchewan. One of the fundamental goals of the EARMP program is to provide public access to information collected as part of the program. The findings of the community and technical sampling programs are reported on a yearly basis. The new website will provide the general public access to annual reports, data files, and community brochures in one easy-to-access location and made available electronically for download at: www.earmp.ca/reports.
In addition to online information, open houses will be held in selected communities in the Athabasca Basin each year in order to facilitate communication of the results and to answer the questions or concerns of community members regarding the program. The results will also be shared annually with the Northern Saskatchewan Environmental Quality Committee (EQC).
Community members, media, and the general public can contact EARMP at info@earmp.ca.
Welcome to the EARMP website!